King of the Monsters: This Time In Space!
“The Beta-Beast!”
Doug Moench and Herb Trimpe
Plot Synopsis
Godzilla gets abducted by space aliens to fight in some pointless war or something.
Yeah, that’s pretty much it.
Rolling Commentary
Page 3. I kind of think Dugan and Gabe should get their own romance special. I mean, take a look at this dialogue (boded as it appears in the comic):
DUGAN: Look, Gabe, you think I like belly-achin’ all the time?! Puttin’ on the crusty act is the only way I know how to get through! Besides, it saves a lot of grief!
GABE: You mean…?
DUGAN: Of course-- And I figured you’d know it by now. My act may be convinin’-- but I ain’t really afraid of that kid upstagin’ me… In fact, I kinda like him—he’s got spunk. And that makes me all the more afraid of what might happen to him next.
GABE: Yeah, Dum Dum… I think I know what you mean.
It’s sweet, isn’t it?
Also, Rob totally needs to get over himself.
Page 4. Random aliens who speak in vague, hushed tones?
Page 7. Yeah. You know things have gotten lame when you have Godzilla floating through space to fight some random space monster we don’t care about…
Page 9. Wheee! Monster violence!
Page 13. Alien dudes, you really should have thought this through better. Godzilla is nobody’s bitch. And how do they know Godzilla’s name? And speak English?
Page 14. You guys call your planet “Beta”? Why not call it “Second-Place” or “Looserville” and cut out the middleman?
Wait, the other team is “Megan”? What, they couldn’t use a cool girl’s name like Tamara or something?
… Alien dinosaurs. Huh. I can’t decide if that’s lame or amazing.
Page 15. Why are these losers attacking the Earth? Honestly? Shouldn’t, I don’t know, the Kree or the Shi’ar have something to say? And wouldn’t it make more sense to use both the Beta-Beast and Godzilla against your bad guys, rather than have Godzilla kill the other one? *sigh* Aliens are dumb.
Page 17. Red Ronin’s the second most powerful thing on the planet? Really?
Post Mortem
Hmm. Well, monster battles are still fun, but the plot is starting to get, well, a little stupid. Alas, I suppose that’s to be expected. Godzilla stories really are all about the destruction, so I suppose I’ll sit through all this and rock it out. Still, I really like the serious SHIELD stuff they’ve been doing (although it can get a little campy, and I HATE the kid), and I’m a little worried that we’re going to get away from that with the space alien stuff.
But at least I got the super violent monster battle I was missing last issue! Yay!