Friday, September 01, 2006

Strange Adventures and Apparitions #157

The Uncanny X-Men #157
Chris Claremont and Dave Cockrum

The Starjammers and X-Men are trapped in space, with just hours before Earth is ravaged! 10 bucks says the Earth won’t be destroyed.

Rolling Commentary
Page 2. Wouldn’t Wolverine’s claws popping out cause a drop of pressure in his spacesuit?

Page 4. Shouldn’t Cyclops’ CONCUSSION FORCE blasts shatter his helmet, not “focus” through it? It’s not heat vision, damnit! Why does no one ever remember that!

Page 5. Seriously, why is it that people keep using Storm as assistant in laboratory and medical facilities? She grew up as a street urchin and has little to no formal education and training. Why is she prepping Colossus for surgery!?!?! And why does the doctor/dragonfly/robot speak like master Yoda?

Page 7. Foreshadowing, anyone?

Page 9. What exactly are these “readings” the Brood is speaking of? Energy readings? Why would Wolverine give off peculiar energy readings?

Page 10. What the hell is she wearing? I swear, that girl has worse taste than Tucker Carlson.

Page 12. Yes. Now Nightcrawler sees the obvious plan from the obviously evil villain.

Page 14. Holy shit… Nightcrawler and Kitty’s plan is effective, but just downright creepy, isn’t it?

Page 17. Whoat! Imperial Guard versus Imperial Guard! Huzzah!

Page 18. Oh, Gladiator, proper comma use, please. People are reading your dialogue.

Page 21. Wow. Those must be some shields the Starjammer has…

Post Mortem
You know, a comrade of mine on Barbelith has this theory, that from a creator’s standpoint, Shadow Cat exists to fill the void left whenever Jean Grey dies. Whenever Jean is around, Kitty Pryde has a tendency to disappear into the background and be ignored by most writers. But when Jean (or Madelyne Pryor, to a lesser extent, more on her much later) disappears or ends up a corpse, Kitty comes to the forefront. And although I’m not entirely convinced, no issue before this one has been more evident of that.

You know, as some one who knows his X-Men history fairly well, I must say that Professor Xavier spends a lot of time either dead or in comfy comas. It’s like a vacation for him, I guess.

Ugh. This episode really dragged until the end for me. I don’t know. I know that Gladiator and his group got their asses handed to them, but I have to admit that it would have been nice to actually see the ass-whooping. Alas. And Kitty needs a hobby. Other than bad costumes.

Luckily, next issue is the Brotherhood of Mutants, on top of the galactic terror stuff. That should be fun!


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