Saturday, July 01, 2006

This Issue! Things Get Worse! #135

The Uncanny X-Men #135
“Dark Phoenix”
Chris Claremont and John Byrne


The Dark Phoenix has been unleashed upon the universe. What chaos will see cause?

Rolling Commentary
Can I just say right now that I have never particularly liked this issue’s cover? You see it whenever anyone mentions the Dark Phoenix saga, and to me, it’s just plain ugly. I know it’s supposed to make a statement or whatever, but it just comes off as weird and unattractive to me. See, if it were a picture of Jean in the center, and a Phoenix raptor all around her with the X-Men dead at her feet or something- that would be cool. This? Blah. But that’s just my opinion.

That being said, I always did like the opening splash page of this issue for it’s creative placement of title.

Page 2. Nightcrawler raises an excellent point. The X-Men really need to stop having their vehicles destroyed.

Page 4. Methinks Colossus should have thought this plan out better. And Phoenix is rocking it here. Too bad that means she’s kicking their asses.

Page 6. First Senator Kelly appearance. We’ll hear a lot more from him soon.

Page 7. So, did Jean just burn Central Park to the ground with that stunt?

Page 8. Hey, you guys remember back during the first Phoenix Saga how I said you can always tell shit is getting bad because they cut to the other superheroes for a page of reaction shots? Case in point.

Page 9. Apparently it was a very small part of the ground that she lit on fire.

Page 11. Hey, there’s someone we haven’t seen in a while.

Page 12. And here we see the tragic destruction of the Broccoli people.

Page 15. Is attacking a being that just destroyed a star system very smart? I’m thinking no.

Page 17. Dudes, Cyclops is sitting right freaking there. Stop talking like he’s not in the room!

Post Mortem
You know, this is all Mastermind’s fault, right? And Emma’s too, I suppose. But mostly Mastermind’s. An entire solar system was just snuffed out and it’s all his fault.

It’s interesting that the Shi’ar suspected this would happen from the very beginning, yet Lilandra never told Charles about it. How do I know this? Well, earlier, Charles’ thought bubbles were talking about how no one had told him anything about the Phoenix stuff, so he went and investigated it on his own. When he learned what she did, he said he needed to return to Earth immediately. Now, I suppose that on his way there Lilandra could have filled in the details a bit, but I get the impression that that’s not the case here. So much for Lilandra’s unconditional love, I guess.

Phoenix is rather awesome, isn’t she? Even if her power is sort of nondescriptly labeled. “Cosmic” can mean a lot of things. Things continue to spiral out of control in the next exciting issue.


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