Friday, June 09, 2006

New X-Men? #97

All-New, All-Different X-Men #97

“My Brother, My Enemy!”

Chris Claremont and Dave Cockrum


Experiencing some rather horrible visions, Professor Xavier decides he needs a vacation. But as the X-Men wave goodbye to him at the airport they’re attacked- by Havok and Polaris? Also, Marvel Girl’s back on the team.

Rolling Commentary

Page 1-3, it’s the beginning of X-Men: In Spacccccceeeeee…(part 1) And you have to admit, it looks pretty awesome on that two-page spread. I have a sort of love/hate relationship when the X-Men’s Star Warsian adventures (and yes, I just now made up that phrase), because I’m a pretty firm believer that the X-Men should stay on Earth pretty much full time. But when it’s done right its so damn cool….

Also, could I get an issue title that doesn’t end in an exclamation point something soon, please?

Page 4- Ha! Told you something was up with Moira. Of course, I had the benefit of knowing all about her before hand…

Page 6 brings the return of Jean Grey to the X-Men after, what, three issues? Alex and Lorna are back too, though probably not as permanently. Havoc needs a haircut. And who’s that in the shadows? Well (SPOILERS) I’m pretty sure it’s “Der Eht Cire”, but let’s wait and see.

Page 10! I thought so. So, when do we get an explanation for why Eric The Red II is wearing Cyclops’ old Eric The Red I costume? (The answer is never. I know that already. Though we will eventually find out what he’s all about at least.)

Page 16 now. This fight has been pretty awesome. But has anyone else noticed that every time Cyclops, Havoc, and Polaris are in a fight together and Polaris’ life is in any way in danger, Havoc always tells Cyclops he’ll kill him if she gets hurt?

Post Mortem

Who was that masked man? Holy shit that was cool. Leaps and bounds ahead of the last issue. Mystery! Intrigue! Mind control! My only real complaint really is that, once again, Jean is just there for scenery’s sake. She seems to show back up just so Scott can cry “Jean! Nooo!!!” when she gets bonked on the head.

Aside from that, this was an excellent issue. As dumb as it kind of was, I liked that off panel Charlie just happened to call Wolverine and Banshee in to the rescue. It amused me, for some reason. And Storm was super awesome. I don’t like Storm, usually, but this was a great issue for her. (Now why doesn’t she use her powers like this anymore?)

That being said, who called it? Come on, who called it? Oh, that’s right, I freakin’ called it. Two issues after Thunderbird dies, and no one remembers at all. (Really, I didn’t read ahead. It was just a good guess) That’s okay, though, because this issue is exciting enough that you don’t even think about him. Phoenix Saga starts in three issues, comrades.


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